Code Overview

pyimgur Package

PyImgur - The Simple Way of Using Imgur

PyImgur is a python wrapper of the popular image hosting and sharing website It makes the process of writing applications that uses Imgur faster, easier and less frustrating by automatically handling a lot of stuff for you. For instance you’ll only need to use your client_id when you instantiate the Imgur object and when changing authentication. For the REST API this value needs to be sent with every request, but PyImgur handles this automatically.

Before using PyImgur, or the Imgur REST API in general, you’ll need to register your application here:

For more information on usage visit

class pyimgur.__init__.Album(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

An album is a collection of images.

  • author – The user that authored the album. None if anonymous.
  • cover – The albums cover image.
  • datetime – Time inserted into the gallery, epoch time.
  • deletehash – For anonymous uploads, this is used to delete the album.
  • description – A short description of the album.
  • id – The ID for the album.
  • images – A list of the images in this album. Only set at instantiation if created with Imgur.get_album. But even if it isn’t set, then you can still access the attribute. This will make PyImgur fetch the newest version of all attributes for this class, including images. So it will work as though images was set all along.
  • is_favorited – Has the logged in user favorited this album?
  • is_nsfw – Is the album Not Safe For Work (contains gore/porn)?
  • layout – The view layout of the album.
  • link – The URL link to the album.
  • public – The privacy level of the album, you can only view public albums if not logged in as the album owner.
  • section – ??? - No info in Imgur documentation.
  • title – The album’s title
  • views – Total number of views the album has received.

Add images to the album.

Parameters:images – A list of the images we want to add to the album. Can be Image objects, ids or a combination of the two. Images that you cannot add (non-existing or not owned by you) will not cause exceptions, but fail silently.

Delete this album.


Favorite the album.

Favoriting an already favorited album will unfavor it.


Remove images from the album.

Parameters:images – A list of the images we want to remove from the album. Can be Image objects, ids or a combination of the two. Images that you cannot remove (non-existing, not owned by you or not part of album) will not cause exceptions, but fail silently.

Set the images in this album.

Parameters:images – A list of the images we want the album to contain. Can be Image objects, ids or a combination of the two. Images that images that you cannot set (non-existing or not owned by you) will not cause exceptions, but fail silently.

Add this to the gallery.

Require that the authenticated user has accepted gallery terms and verified their email.

  • title – The title of the new gallery item.
  • bypass_terms – If the user has not accepted Imgur’s terms yet, this method will return an error. Set this to True to by-pass the terms.
update(title=None, description=None, images=None, cover=None, layout=None, privacy=None)

Update the album’s information.

Arguments with the value None will retain their old values.

  • title – The title of the album.
  • description – A description of the album.
  • images – A list of the images we want the album to contain. Can be Image objects, ids or a combination of the two. Images that images that you cannot set (non-existing or not owned by you) will not cause exceptions, but fail silently.
  • privacy – The albums privacy level, can be public, hidden or secret.
  • cover – The id of the cover image.
  • layout – The way the album is displayed, can be blog, grid, horizontal or vertical.
class pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: object

Contains basic functionality shared by a lot of PyImgur’s classes.


Refresh this objects attributes to the newest values.

Attributes that weren’t added to the object before, due to lazy loading, will be added by calling refresh.

class pyimgur.__init__.Comment(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

A comment a user has made.

Users can comment on Gallery album, Gallery image or other Comments.

  • album_cover – If this Comment is on a Album, this will be the Albums cover Image.
  • author – The user that created the comment.
  • datetime – Time inserted into the gallery, epoch time.
  • deletehash – For anonymous uploads, this is used to delete the image.
  • downs – The total number of dislikes (downvotes) the comment has received.
  • image – The image the comment belongs to.
  • is_deleted – Has the comment been deleted?
  • on_album – Is the image part of an album.
  • parent – The comment this one has replied to, if it is a top-level comment i.e. it’s a comment directly to the album / image then it will be None.
  • permalink – A permanent link to the comment.
  • points – ups - downs.
  • replies – A list of comment replies to this comment. This variable is only available if the comment was returned via Album.get_comments(). Use get_replies instead to get the replies if this variable is not available.
  • text – The comments text.
  • ups – The total number of likes (upvotes) the comment has received.
  • vote – The currently logged in users vote on the comment.

Delete the comment.


Downvote this comment.


Get the replies to this comment.


Make a comment reply.


Upvote this comment.

class pyimgur.__init__.Gallery_album(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Album, pyimgur.__init__.Gallery_item

Gallery Albums are albums submitted to the gallery.

class pyimgur.__init__.Gallery_image(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Image, pyimgur.__init__.Gallery_item

Gallery images are images submitted to the gallery.

class pyimgur.__init__.Gallery_item

Bases: object

Functionality shared by Gallery_image and Gallery_album.


Make a top-level comment to this.

Parameters:text – The comment text.

Dislike this.

A downvote will replace a neutral vote or an upvote. Downvoting something the authenticated user has already downvoted will set the vote to neutral.


Get a list of the top-level comments.

Remove this image from the gallery.


Like this.

An upvote will replace a neutral vote or an downvote. Upvoting something the authenticated user has already upvoted will set the vote to neutral.

class pyimgur.__init__.Image(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

An image uploaded to Imgur.

  • bandwidth – Bandwidth consumed by the image in bytes.
  • datetime – Time inserted into the gallery, epoch time.
  • deletehash – For anonymous uploads, this is used to delete the image.
  • description – A short description of the image.
  • height – The height of the image in pixels.
  • id – The ID for the image.
  • is_animated – is the image animated?
  • is_favorited – Has the logged in user favorited this album?
  • is_nsfw – Is the image Not Safe For Work (contains gore/porn)?
  • link – The URL link to the image.
  • link_big_square – The URL to a big square thumbnail of the image.
  • link_huge_thumbnail – The URL to a huge thumbnail of the image.
  • link_large_square – The URL to a large square thumbnail of the image.
  • link_large_thumbnail – The URL to a large thumbnail of the image.
  • link_medium_thumbnail – The URL to a medium thumbnail of the image.
  • link_small_square – The URL to a small square thumbnail of the image.
  • section – ??? - No info in Imgur documentation.
  • size – The size of the image in bytes.
  • title – The albums title.
  • views – Total number of views the album has received.
  • width – The width of the image in bytes.

Delete the image.

download(path='', name=None, overwrite=False, size=None)

Download the image.

  • path – The image will be downloaded to the folder specified at path, if path is None (default) then the current working directory will be used.
  • name – The name the image will be stored as (not including file extension). If name is None, then the title of the image will be used. If the image doesn’t have a title, it’s id will be used. Note that if the name given by name or title is an invalid filename, then the hash will be used as the name instead.
  • overwrite – If True overwrite already existing file with the same name as what we want to save the file as.
  • size – Instead of downloading the image in it’s original size, we can choose to instead download a thumbnail of it. Options are ‘small_square’, ‘big_square’, ‘small_thumbnail’, ‘medium_thumbnail’, ‘large_thumbnail’ or ‘huge_thumbnail’.

Name of the new file.


Favorite the image.

Favoriting an already favorited image will unfavorite it.

Add this to the gallery.

Require that the authenticated user has accepted gallery terms and verified their email.

  • title – The title of the new gallery item.
  • bypass_terms – If the user has not accepted Imgur’s terms yet, this method will return an error. Set this to True to by-pass the terms.
update(title=None, description=None)

Update the image with a new title and/or description.

class pyimgur.__init__.Imgur(client_id, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, verify=True)

The base class containing general functionality for Imgur.

You should create an Imgur object at the start of your code and use it to interact with Imgur. You shouldn’t directly initialize any other classes, but instead use the methods in this class to get them.

Initialize the Imgur object.

Before using PyImgur, or the Imgur REST API in general, you need to register your application with Imgur. This can be done at

  • client_id – Your applications client_id.
  • client_secret – Your applications client_secret. This is only needed when a user needs to authorize the app.
  • access_token – is your secret key used to access the user’s data. It can be thought of the user’s password and username combined into one, and is used to access the user’s account. It expires after 1 hour.
  • refresh_token – is used to request new access_tokens. Since access_tokens expire after 1 hour, we need a way to request new ones without going through the entire authorization step again. It does not expire.
  • verify – Verify SSL certificate of server (can result in SSLErrors)?
authorization_url(response, state='')

Return the authorization url that’s needed to authorize as a user.

  • response – Can be either code or pin. If it’s code the user will be redirected to your redirect url with the code as a get parameter after authorizing your application. If it’s pin then after authorizing your application, the user will instead be shown a pin on Imgurs website. Both code and pin are used to get an access_token and refresh token with the exchange_code and exchange_pin functions respectively.
  • state – This optional parameter indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Imgur round-trips this parameter, so your application receives the same value it sent. Possible uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces, and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
change_authentication(client_id=None, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None)

Change the current authentication.

create_album(title=None, description=None, images=None, cover=None)

Create a new Album.

  • title – The title of the album.
  • description – The albums description.
  • images – A list of the images that will be added to the album after it’s created. Can be Image objects, ids or a combination of the two. Images that you cannot add (non-existing or not owned by you) will not cause exceptions, but fail silently.
  • cover – The id of the image you want as the albums cover image.

The newly created album.


Exchange one-use code for an access_token and request_token.


Exchange one-use pin for an access_token and request_token.


Return information about this album.


Return a object representing the content at url.

Returns None if no object could be matched with the id.

Works for Album, Comment, Gallery_album, Gallery_image, Image and User.

NOTE: Imgur’s documentation does not cover what urls are available. Some urls, such as<ID> can be for several different types of object. Using a wrong, but similair call, such as get_subreddit_image on a meme image will not cause an error. But instead return a subset of information, with either the remaining pieces missing or the value set to None. This makes it hard to create a method such as this that attempts to deduce the object from the url. Due to these factors, this method should be considered experimental and used carefully.

Parameters:url – The url where the content is located at

Return information about this comment.

Return a list of gallery albums and gallery images.

  • section – hot | top | user - defaults to hot.
  • sort – viral | time - defaults to viral.
  • window – Change the date range of the request if the section is “top”, day | week | month | year | all, defaults to day.
  • show_viral – true | false - Show or hide viral images from the ‘user’ section. Defaults to true.
  • limit – The number of items to return.

Return the gallery album matching the id.

Note that an album’s id is different from it’s id as a gallery album. This makes it possible to remove an album from the gallery and setting it’s privacy setting as secret, without compromising it’s secrecy.

Return the gallery image matching the id.

Note that an image’s id is different from it’s id as a gallery image. This makes it possible to remove an image from the gallery and setting it’s privacy setting as secret, without compromising it’s secrecy.


Return a Image object representing the image with the given id.

Return a list of gallery albums/images submitted to the memes gallery

The url for the memes gallery is:

  • sort – viral | time | top - defaults to viral
  • window – Change the date range of the request if the section is “top”, day | week | month | year | all, defaults to week.
  • limit – The number of items to return.

Return a Message object for given id.

Parameters:id – The id of the message object to return.

Return a Notification object.

Parameters:id – The id of the notification object to return.

Return a list of gallery albums/images submitted to a subreddit.

A subreddit is a subsection of the website, where users can, among other things, post images.

  • subreddit – A valid subreddit name.
  • sort – time | top - defaults to top.
  • window – Change the date range of the request if the section is “top”, day | week | month | year | all, defaults to day.
  • limit – The number of items to return.
get_subreddit_image(subreddit, id)

Return the Gallery_image with the id submitted to subreddit gallery

  • subreddit – The subreddit the image has been submitted to.
  • id – The id of the image we want.

Return a User object for this username.

Parameters:username – The name of the user we want more information about.

Is the given url a valid Imgur url?


Refresh the access_token.

The self.access_token attribute will be updated with the value of the new access_token which will also be returned.

Search the gallery with the given query string.

upload_image(path=None, url=None, title=None, description=None, album=None)

Upload the image at either path or url.

  • path – The path to the image you want to upload.
  • url – The url to the image you want to upload.
  • title – The title the image will have when uploaded.
  • description – The description the image will have when uploaded.
  • album – The album the image will be added to when uploaded. Can be either a Album object or it’s id. Leave at None to upload without adding to an Album, adding it later is possible. Authentication as album owner is necessary to upload to an album with this function.

An Image object representing the uploaded image.

class pyimgur.__init__.Message(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

This corresponds to the messages users can send each other.


Delete the message.


Return the message thread this Message is in.


Reply to this message.

This is a convenience method calling User.send_message. See it for more information on usage. Note that both recipient and reply_to are given by using this convenience method.

Parameters:body – The body of the message.
class pyimgur.__init__.Notification(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

This corresponds to the notifications a user may receive.

A notification can come for several reasons. For instance, one may be received if someone replies to one of your comments.


Mark the notification as viewed.

Notifications cannot be marked as unviewed.

class pyimgur.__init__.User(json_dict, imgur, has_fetched=True)

Bases: pyimgur.__init__.Basic_object

A User on Imgur.

  • bio – A basic description filled out by the user, displayed in the gallery profile page.
  • created – The epoch time of user account creation
  • id – The user id.
  • name – The username
  • reputation – Total likes - dislikes of the user’s created content.
change_settings(bio=None, public_images=None, messaging_enabled=None, album_privacy=None, accepted_gallery_terms=None)

Update the settings for the user.

  • bio – A basic description filled out by the user, is displayed in the gallery profile page.
  • public_images – Set the default privacy setting of the users images. If True images are public, if False private.
  • messaging_enabled – Set to True to enable messaging.
  • album_privacy – The default privacy level of albums created by the user. Can be public, hidden or secret.
  • accepted_gallery_terms – The user agreement to Imgur Gallery terms. Necessary before the user can submit to the gallery.

Delete this user. Require being authenticated as the user.


Return a list of the user’s albums.

Secret and hidden albums are only returned if this is the logged-in user.


Return the comments made by the user.


Return the users favorited images.

Get a list of the images in the gallery this user has favorited.

Return the users gallery profile.


Return all of the images associated with the user.


Return all messages sent to this user, formatted as a notification.

Parameters:new – False for all notifications, True for only non-viewed notifications.

Return all the notifications for this user.


Return all reply notifications for this user.

Parameters:new – False for all notifications, True for only non-viewed notifications.

Returns current settings.

Only accessible if authenticated as the user.


Return statistics about this user.


Return a list of the images a user has submitted to the gallery.


Has the user verified that the email he has given is legit?

Verified e-mail is required to the gallery. Confirmation happens by sending an email to the user and the owner of the email user verifying that he is the same as the Imgur user.

send_message(body, subject=None, reply_to=None)

Send a message to this user from the logged in user.

  • body – The body of the message.
  • subject – The subject of the message. Note that if the this message is a reply, then the subject of the first message will be used instead.
  • reply_to – Messages can either be replies to other messages or start a new message thread. If this is None it will start a new message thread. If it’s a Message object or message_id, then the new message will be sent as a reply to the reply_to message.

Send verification email to this users email address.

Remember that the verification email may end up in the users spam folder.